– Run-Time Errors – ActionScript Language and Components Reference

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This error can happen during installation and is caused either by incorrect permissions or a driver conflict. First, you need to run the Zoom installer as an administrator.

If you’re trying to update via the program itself, grab the installer from the Zoom Download Center instead. Right-click the EXE file and choose Run as administrator. Then follow the standard installation process. If you still get the error, it’s a driver problem. You can use Windows Update to check for driver updates:.

If no updates are found, that doesn’t necessarily mean your drivers are the most recent version. You should visit your manufacturer’s website to grab the latest files. If you need more help, see our guide on how to find and replace drivers. It you see this, it means that you have not been granted the correct license to join the webinar. Alternatively, the host’s webinar license could be expired. The host needs to visit Zoom User Management as an account owner or admin. Here they can grant you the correct permissions to join the webinar, or find out how to renew their webinar license if applicable.

Hopefully you now have Zoom up and running. If not, visit the Zoom support site for more resources and contact information. Now it’s time to discover all the fun potential of Zoom, like hosting a quiz night or watching Netflix with friends. Can’t Connect to Zoom The most common Zoom issue is being unable to connect to a meeting.

Configure Your Firewall The first step is to allow Zoom through your firewall. Do a system search for Windows Security and open the app. Click Allow an app through the firewall. Zoom video conferencing uses a lot of bandwidth. Your device is sending a complex set of data packets to the device of the person you are trying to talk to, their device is sending packets of data to you. If your Wi-Fi connection has a momentary blip or your cellular connection fluctuates, some of the flow of those packets gets interrupted.

It can take a few moments for the data to catch up. It can also lead to Zoom disconnecting. Zoom will perform as good as your Internet can perform. So, the solution for fast, reliable and secure Internet is simple: use a secure channel bonding service, like Speedify.

Speedify improves the performance of Zoom meetings. This improves your bandwidth and connection reliability, fixing Zoom network connection issues and leading to a smoother and fault-free conference. Speedify does much more than load balancing: channel bonding. It can use all the connections at the same time. And will intelligently reroute traffic to the working connection s before any of them stop working. What about data security while working from home? The best part with Speedify being a bonding VPN is it also encrypts traffic going in and out of your device.

Your sensitive company data will be safe from hackers and cyber criminals. Speedify is an essential element for Zoom meetings without any network connections failed. Or, just yell at us if that makes you happy. We’re from Philly, we can take it. Zoom can have its own service issues.



Change log for


Feature : Progression chart, change tool tips data V2. Feature : Progression chart, link selection with concordance synchronous editor V2. Feature : RCP X. X, default edition first page preliminary metadata table style. X, Delete concordance lines V2. Feature : Dictionary extension. X, call any import loader script. Feature : RCP: Progression, manage the interoperability between the progression chart and the concordance line deletion functionality.

Bug : TXM 0. Bug : Charts, tool tips are sometimes displayed at a wrong location. X, focus on new corpus in corpora view. Task : DOC: 0. X, simplify Update wizard. X, Edition Groovy access. X, XTZ import module, manage text order from text headers. X, XTZ import module, pull metadata from teiHeader. X, default concordance reference corpus parameter. X, dynamic word tooltips in editions. X, typographic conventions. X, Ensure all potentially long operations are executed in a Job.

X, Concordance editor position when called from SendtoConcordance command. X, Index multiple property columns. X, CAH data export. X, CA data export. Feature : export similar to result view as concerns content and format. TXM 0. Task : DOC: R workspace and libraries directory. Task : DOC: Groovy script environment. Task : DOC: update import editor documentation. Task : DOC: french mispelling “optionel”.

Task : DOC: Update ” Task : DOC: update “1. Task : DOC: update “3. Task : DOC: update ” Feature : TreeTagger extension. X, add an Edition to Concordance hyperlink. WordCloud X. X : smart word selection. X : show multiple wordclouds. Bug : Rotation parameter does not works. Known bugs. Bug : Under Windows, the RConsole does not work.

TXM – Oriflamms 4. TXM Palafra 3. X Dictionary functionality. X, TreeTagger extension, multiple lemma and probabilities option. X, TreeTagger extension, train failed with incomplete lexicon. Feature : RCP: Palafra, corpus recode must use regular expression and mode option. TXM – Oriflamms 5. X, Oriflamms extension. X, Oriflamms project2XTZ multiple rejet bug. TXM – Oriflamms 6. Filter open is is not closed all. Filter is is not. Filter is is not none all. Assignee’s group.

Assignee’s role. Target version. Filter contains doesn’t contain none all. Start date. Due date. Filter all none is. Estimated time. Filter is contains is not doesn’t contain none all. X, optimize concordance object memory footprint Bug : RCP: 0. X, macro parameter dialog box display Bug : RCP: 0.

X, use structure limits in concordance contexts Feature : RCP: 0. X, new ‘update corpus’ command Feature : RCP: 0. X, reset vertical and horizontal scroll bar in editor after new result Bug : RCP: 0. X, alternative web pages Feature : TBX: x.

In Flash Player, upgrade to the latest version of the Flash Access module and try playing content again. This operating system is not allowed to play this media. Flash Player or AIR cannot detect the connection type. Try connecting the device to a different connection. Connect to a digital device. Cannot play media on an analog device.

Connect to a digital device and try again. Cannot play media because the connected analog device doesn’t have the correct capabilities for example, it doesn’t have Macrovision or ACP. The policy does not allow play back on digital devices.

The connected digital device doesn’t have the correct capabilities, for example, it doesn’t support HDCP. If this error occurs in Flash Player, download the Flash Access module. Compiler Errors Compiler Warnings. Run-Time Errors. You specified a value less than 0 or greater than 20 for the precision argument of a method or property. You passed a value less than 2 or greater than 36 for the radix argument of a method or property.

You tried to access a member of an array using an index value that is not an integer. At least one branch target was not on a valid instruction in the method. You cannot declare a variable or function with the same identfier name more than once within the same scope. You are attempting to use an invalid file with the player: the tool that generates the SWF may be out of date or the SWF itself may be corrupt.

The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported.

Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another. Argument count mismatch on class coercion. A script did not exit in a timely fashion and was terminated. When the callback argument is a method of a class, the optional argument must be null. This method cannot be used on a text field with a style sheet. Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets.

Only trusted local files may cause the Flash Player to exit. MovieClips objects with different parents cannot be swapped. Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful. Invalid remote URL protocol. The digest property is not supported by this load operation.

Only String arguments are permitted for allowDomain and allowInsecureDomain. The value of Security. The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. The Stage class does not implement this property or method. This filter operation cannot be performed with the specified input parameters. The name property of a Timeline-placed object cannot be modified.

Classes derived from Bitmap can only be associated with defineBits characters bitmaps. A setting in the mms. The FileReference. The Proxy class does not implement getProperty. The Proxy class does not implement setProperty. The Proxy class does not implement callProperty. The Proxy class does not implement hasProperty.

The Proxy class does not implement deleteProperty. The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. The loading object is not a. The loading object is not sufficiently loaded to provide this information. The ByteArray parameter in Loader. The before XMLNode parameter must be a child of the caller.

XML recursion failure: new child would create infinite loop. The Proxy class does not implement nextNameIndex. The Proxy class does not implement nextName. The Proxy class does not implement nextValue. Provided parameter LoaderContext. Cumulative length of requestHeaders must be less than characters. An object cannot be added as a child to one of it’s children or children’s children, etc. You cannot enter full screen mode when the settings dialog is visible. The URLRequest.

The NetStream Object is invalid. The ExternalInterface. The NetConnection Object is invalid. The Shader output type is not compatible for this operation. The Shader does not have the required number of inputs for this operation. Static text lines have no atoms and no reference to a text block. Unable to read object in stream. Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference.

One or more elements of the content of the TextBlock has a null ElementFormat. Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press. The Clipboard. The TextLine class does not implement this property or method.

Invalid fieldOfView value. The FontDescription object is locked and cannot be modified. The Paste Special operation was abnormally slow when pasting guides with expressions. This is fixed: all Paste Special operations perform at similar speed now.

Contour direction. But when the glyph is decomposed or flattened manually or during export , holes could appear if the elements were flipped or transformed because of different contour directions. Those holes would also influence how overlaps are removed. Now, FontLab automatically corrects the contour direction of flipped and transformed elements when flattening the glyph.

When you move an anchor, and then you move an element guide to the same position as the new anchor position, FontLab no longer reverts the anchor movement. Deleting elements. Previously, this procedure was working in an inconsistent way. After an element was deleted, hitting the up arrow key made the first element selected, instead of the next up. This is fixed now. Element names. Changes in names of elements, components, and groups now show in the History panel and can be Undone.

Paste as Glyphs. Using the arrow keys to move a selected element with rounded corners no longer causes a crash Windows-only bug.

In the Gallery panel, rendering of element groups consisting of overlapping elements is fixed. Replacing an element with Paste or Paste Special is now immediately reflected in the Gallery panel. Deleting from mask. Previously, deleting nodes or contours from a Mask layer would sometimes delete nodes or contours from a master layer. Copy to mask. You can now copy selected contours to Mask Cmd M even if the contours are part of a filter that has an element transformation.

Variations panel. The context menu for elements now behaves correctly. Property bar. The Current font F indicator in the Glyph window property bar now only shows the font name.

Previously, it also showed the master name but did not update that name when you switched the master. Light fonts. Showing or hiding Zones, Hints, or Guides no longer moves the view in the Glyph window. FontLab no longer completely removes kerning and kerning classes after some operations.

Editing the LSB using the keyboard Ctrl with arrow keys works correctly now. If you used metrics expressions linked metrics in auto layers, the metrics values would sometimes be set to 0 and then updated to the correct values later. Now, glyph metrics of auto layers are correctly calculated if expressions are used. If the left sidebearing has an expression, the LSB value in the glyph window is now rendered red.

Previously, only RSB and Width fields that contained an expression were rendered red. Drag-drop of selected glyph cells in the Font window no longer sometimes fails for glyphs without Unicodes. A double-click on any cell in the Gallery panel selects the matching glyph in the Font window. This now still works in cases when the Gallery shows an element that appears only once in the font.

FontLab no longer crashes if you dock a Font window to the main window. It is also no longer allows you to dock the toolbar to a Font window as that causes problems with changing Font windows.

You can dock the Toolbar and panels to the main window, however. Context menu. The Font window context menu now correctly highlights menu items when you hover over them.

You can once again copy selected glyph cells in the Font window and paste them in the Glyph window. When you delete some glyphs from the font using the Font window, components in the remaining glyphs that pointed to the deleted glyphs are no longer shifted to the origin point when they are decomposed. Glyph tags are no longer lost after you assign them.

Improved initial auto-generation of the fax glyph facsimile or uniB. The glyph is now built by adding the glyphs F , A , and X side by side rather than on top of each other. Required glyphs. Glyphs uni and uniD no longer erroneously marked with a red horizontal line that would indicate that they had an incorrect name or Unicode, even if their names and codes were correct. This was fixed. Curve tension. After importing an OpenType PS. Incorrect parsing of the aalt feature in FEA code is fixed.

When you applied a positioning feature such as palt in the Glyph window that changed both the origin point and the width e. Now it adjusts both. Features panel. FontLab now correctly displays the line numbers in the Features panel code, and correctly reports line numbers when you compile the features, taking the automatically included classes into consideration. If the font includes FontLab kerning pairs that refer to a class that is not defined in the Classes panel, FontLab now omits such kerning pairs when generating the kern feature.

Previously, FontLab would fail to compile the kern feature. The dialog asking whether to also change names in existing links or keep the old names is fixed now. Cell sizes. Clicking the button to increase the cell size in mini-glyph maps in the Classes, Elements, Font Map and Gallery panels no enlarges the cell by two sizes from 1 to 3 , but by one size.

Windows-only bug. The Name field of the Insert and Replace Reference dialogs now allows you to copy or cut the text. The right-click Ctrl-click context menu in the dialog no longer shows white text on white background.

Tab key. FontLab no longer gets stuck, with panels hidden and the interface blocked, from hitting the Tab key repeatedly. Quick Find. FontLab no longer crashes on opening the Actions dialog, when a multi-master font is active and the instance layer is present. FontLab no longer crashes when you undo a Remove Overlap operation that involved empty elements. When you edit an expression in one font guide, then move another font guide, then undo, FontLab no longer undoes both edits.

FontLab no longer crashes after you importing artwork into a glyph cell in the Font window and then Undo. Expand Filter. Undo after an Expand Filter operation now reverts only the previous operation. Undoing and then redoing the Fix All FontAudit operation no longer also undoes the previous operation for example, glyph note editing. When using the TrueType Hinting tool, Undo now reverts only the last change, instead of reverting all the TrueType hinting.

When repeatedly doing Place as Glyph from the Sketchboard, Undoing one no longer reverts all previous placing operations. Undo of pasting glyphs in the Font window correctly restores glyphs that were over-written by the paste operation. Undo for dropping elements from the Gallery to glyph cells in a Font window is fixed. Append Glyphs no longer appears as Replace Glyphs in the History panel.

Typo metrics. The Custom hhea linespacing setting is read correctly from VFJ. OpenType PS. Element references. Exporting a font no longer fails when there is a glyph with a duplicated element reference, one on top of the other.

The font is now exported correctly. Legacy kerning. When exporting a legacy kern table, FontLab correctly uses the specified maximum number of pairs. The default number for the maximum pairs in the kern table was changed in the built-in export profiles from to the actual technical limit , and FontLab will not export more pairs even if you enter a larger number.

FontLab no longer misses anchors in composite glyphs when importing and decompiling mark and mkmk features from TTF files. Previously, this table caused the font to not render on Android. This is now fixed. The varLib library, used in variable fonts export, was updated. It now does more error checking during the export process.

Some fonts that did not export before can now be exported. Correctly assign tags to font guides, the same way they were assigned in the masters. No longer lose hints when there are two links linking the same pair of nodes. Write the Font Info-specified version to the name table. Previously, it would always write 1. OTF components. Correctly interpolate and apply hints to decomposed shifted components OTF. Mark attachment. No longer create and export mark and mkmk features if the export profile is set to not export them OTF.

Generate and export mark and mkmk features even if generating these features issues some warnings, for example, if some anchors are missing OTF, TTF. Glyph masters. Export glyphs that contain glyph masters named :axislocation if they contain element references all formats. Generate the kern feature for all instances not just masters if the option Create [kern] code if not present is on in the export profile VFB, UFO.

Fonts exported as VFB also get the hints correctly. Texts embedded inside VFB files font note, glyph notes, license text, copyright info, designer name etc. FontLab Studio 5. UFO marks. UFO lib. FontLab-specific keys for layer attributes now use com. UFO guides. Glyph guides are exported to UFO3 correctly now. Note: element guides created with the Guides tool are not exported to UFO.

Vertical guides are correctly imported from UFO3, instead of being converted to horizontal guides. UFO Typo Metrics. UFO layers. When opening UFO, different glyphs of the same layer always get the same visibility attribute. UFO Mask. FontLab also exports the mask back to UFO correctly for all glyphs.

UFO fontinfo. UFO Groups. Import and export of UFO groups is improved so that FontLab no longer adds duplicate groups in the feature file.

If you print from a Font window , FontLab will produce a table of glyph cells that you see in the Font window, with the current font master, current captions and in the current visible order. Before you print:. Then input a valid TTX definition for that table in the editing area. To perform a basic verification of your custom table definition, select it and click Verify.

To remove a table definition, click —. To enable custom table definitions for export , turn on their checkboxes. Whenever you export a non-variable OpenType font OTF or TTF , FontLab will override the tables it generates with enabled custom tables, and will add any enabled custom tables that are suitable for the format. Also, if you are generating instances from a variable font, each custom table definition that you enable for export in the Tables panel will be exported into all instances.

Example: Alt -click on a checkbox to disable all instances, then click on some checkboxes one by one to export only the selected instances. The same-named profiles in the lower portion of the list are different: they allow you to export the current layer, all or some predefined instances or each master as separate single-master files.

This may be particularly useful if you wish to perform some external processing of those files, or export them to other formats.

This affects he OpenType PS. You can now use glyph names that contain hyphens inside metrics expressions and auto layer recipes if you surround the glyph name with single quotes e. On a monitor with the horizontal resolution larger than pixels, the width of any newly opened Font window will now be pixels rather than the full screen width. You can resize the window as you like. Merge All Windows will dock all windows into one window. The minimum width of a window tab heading is now smaller, so you can open more tabs before a scroll bar appears.

Also, the borders between tabs are more distinct. The View menu has a new Control Bars submenu that includes toggles to show and hide four control bars:. Those specifiers can either be Unicode characters that produce the glyph which has the particular Unicode codepoint, or glyph specifiers that directly produce a particular glyph.

You can work on a glyph or some text in one Glyph window using the Contour tool in a high zoom level, and have one or more Echo windows that provide an alternate view onto the same glyph or text. You can change the text in both a non-Echo and an Echo window: whenever you change the text in the active window, all Echo windows will reflect that change.

And if you edit the text in either of those Echo windows, the same text will appear in the other. Previously, missing glyph placeholders blocked that navigation. Various user interface elements of FontLab VI allow you to specify a glyph by using the glyph name for example a , adieresis or adieresis.

We have now extended the glyph specifiers to allow:. You can now also input Unicode glyph specifiers in the following interface elements, but FontLab will immediately convert them into real glyph names:. This is particularly useful for non-Latin type design. Note: in glyphtext, FontLab will match Unicode glyph identifiers in alternates or ligatures e. You can now drag the editor dialog around; importing text files and resetting to defaults is also easier. Click the Texts or the Pairs buttons to edit the phrases for the respective mode.

Click Cancel to ignore the changes, click Apply to apply the changes but keep the editor open, click OK or click outside the editor to apply the changes and close the editor. Unicode glyph specifiers now also work in Text phrases and Pair phrases. For pair phrases, you can use either of the MetricsMachine -compatible formats:. The KPL:P pairs format that uses glyph names or Unicode glyph specifiers, with space to indicate the kerning pair:. If you Alt -drag a sharp node, the results are now more predictable:.

To select some points using the Contour tool, you can drag a rectangular marquee. Previously, with this preference on, rectangular marquee selection only selected nodes. To only select some handles without selecting nodes , you had to use the lasso selection Alt -drag. Now, if this preference is on, then:. If this preference is off, then rectangular marquee selection works like the lasso selection: it always selects whatever it covers, i.

The Transform panel now includes the Align vertical center button as the last one in the top section. You may need to make the panel wider to see it. Aligning partial contours in the Contour tool now differs from aligning complete contours. Previously, alignment using the Contour tool always aligned selected nodes and points individually. If you select a single complete contour with double-click on the outline or Cmd -click near the outline:.

Align vertical center Alt will center vertically between the baseline and the caps height. If you select two or more complete contours and align them using the Transform panel buttons or the keyboard shortcuts listed above, the entire contours will be aligned to each other without changing the shape of the contours. If you select one or more complete contours and one or more partial contours or just individual nodes or handles , and align, the complete contours will be aligned with all individual nodes and handles of the partially-selected contours.

If you select a node and one or two adjacent handles and align, the handle s will be aligned to the node vertically or horizontally, whichever distance is smaller.

You can also use the Transform panel alignment buttons. Previously, vertical or horizontal aligning of handles to a node was only possible with Shift -double-click on a handle. When the transform rectangle is extremely narrow in either direction, only the circular side handles are accessible, so you can easily scale in a single direction. Previously, the circular side handles and the rectangular corner handles were visible at the same time and overlapped, and it was difficult to select the side handle.

The center handle of the transform rectangle that defines the center of the transformation now snaps to corners, nodes, contours, guidelines and anchors when you drag it.

To skew the selection around the opposite side of the transform rectangle, hold Cmd and drag one side of the transform rectangle. Now, you can also hold Alt Cmd and drag the edge to skew around the center handle.

To distort the selection around the opposite corner of the transform rectangle, hold Cmd and drag one corners of the transform rectangle. Now, you can also hold Alt Cmd and drag the corner distort around the center handle. You can now double-click the center handle to reset its position to the middle of the transformation rectangle.

They are persistent when a node is selected. When you move selected nodes with the mouse or arrow keys, the selection size fields on the Property bar show the movement offset distance from the point you started the movement , like in FontLab Studio 5. Shift Alt -drag the new nodes to elongate the segments further. If the loop corner is outside the filled contour, FontLab will also apply a transparent fill to the loop. Looped corners inside filled contours are useful in OpenType Variations.

The glyph metrics toggles Left sidebearing, Right sidebearing, advance Width have a new as links checkbox:. The Preview panel has a new Stroke setting that allows you to preview your glyphs with a stroke.

This is great to quickly simulate ink spread and to visually prototype how your glyphs might look if you added or removed weight. To actually apply a stroke , use the Stroke panel. Glyphs with an applied stroke will be exported into color font formats. If you turn this option on, FontLab will calculate the sidebearings based on the actual contours, ignoring the stroke thickness. Power Brush is now much faster.

The resulting contours are smoother. When you now choose Index in the Filter dropdown of the Font window property bar, the Sort dropdown is disabled and the glyph cells are always sorted in ascending glyph index GID order. The fields show the actual value if it is identical across the selected glyphs. You can enter a new value into any of the metric fields width, LSB, RSB to assign it to the current layer of all selected glyphs.

You can also enter an arbitrary expression. You can also use Paste Special to paste into selected glyphs a simple metric expression that links to the copied glyph. When you hold Space in the Font window, a quick preview popup of the current glyph cell appears with additional information.

The top portion of the popup now lists all synonyms available in the standard. When the Font window has a prospective filter and an empty glyph cell is active, you can now use the property bar master switcher to switch between font masters. You can now use simple glyph names e. You can add glyph notes to the glyphs you generate in Generate Glyphs. When you use the extended recipe syntax Use legacy code off , FontLab will insert the text that follows!

This is a note. The bottom of the Generate Glyphs dialog now shows a glyphtext-formatted slash-separated list of glyph names that will be generated. This allows you to correct mistakes in your recipes and lets you copy that glyphtext for later re-use. If a layer is an auto layer that uses a built-in recipe based on alias. This way, when you turn on Auto Layer , you immediately see what recipe FontLab uses to build the composite glyph.

To customize the recipe, click the Edit recipe button next to the text field. When the auto layer uses a custom recipe, that button turns into a Reset recipe button, and the background of the text field becomes white.

Click the button to remove your custom recipe and to revert to using the built-in recipe. The List view of the Font window that you can open with the 4th button of the property bar can now display the Auto Layer column. This column shows whether the glyph layer is an auto layer then the cell background is yellow , whether it uses a built-in recipe then the recipe text is light gray or a custom recipe then the text is black.

Click the heading again to reverse the sort. To show the Auto Layer column, click the gear icon, turn off Sync with cell caption , turn on Auto Layer and any other columns you wish to show, and use drag-drop to change their order. Then click OK. To do that, enter a metrics expression directly in the appropriate glyph metrics field width, LSB or RSB : in the Metrics Table, the property bar of the Metrics mode or in the Glyph panel. Normally, auto layers inherit the advance width and the sidebearings from the base components.

If the caron. This is not always what you may want. Sometimes, you may wish to change the width or the sidebearings of the auto layer glyph. However, this made the recipe less portable and difficult to use. Now, you can override the auto layer-generated metrics using metric expressions. To override auto layer-generated metrics in an auto layer with a specific numeric value e. To reset the overridden value back to the value generated by the recipe, enter 0 into the appropriate metrics field and press Enter.

Please only use one or the other of the two mechanisms. Previously, you had to turn off Auto Layer before decomposing. This way, you can easily decompose composite glyph layers convert components into simple contours in all masters of selected or all glyphs. Extended-syntax recipes can now produce zero-width glyphs if you specify a zero width in the recipe e. The positioning operator in the extended recipe syntax recipes now accepts named Font Info parameters and font metrics such as ascender as the first value after the.

But next to those fields, you can now always see two values:. Also, the Auto spacing button has a new icon and the text fields for the width and the sidebearings in the Glyph panel are now slightly wider. You can now easily show and hide the preview area of the Metrics panel with the Show metrics preview button at the bottom.

Previously, you could hide and show the preview area only by dragging the top of the area. To add glyphs to a new class , drop or paste into the Classes panel sidebar. Them select the type of class you wish to create Kerning 1st, Kerning 2nd, OpenType, Glyph tag , and a new class will be created that contains the pasted or dropped glyphs.

FontLab also makes glyph layers work as font masters if the glyph layers use names such as Regular , Bold or similar using one of the registered weight or width keywords — even if these font masters are not defined in Font Info.

This behavior was always on. When the checkbox is on and one of the entries weight, width, width and weight is chosen in the dropdown, FontLab will behave the same as it did in previous versions. If the Output panel reports errors like KeyError: : ‘wght’ when you export an OpenType Variations font, turn the checkbox off. To add a master to a font, you click the Plus button in Font Info and pick one of the entries from the dropdown that appears. We have redesigned the dropdown to make these choices clearer.

The new master will have the same axis coordinates as the source master, you should change it on the Masters. Rename the master on the Names page. This does not create any kerning pairs. Use this if you have not finalized the design of the current master and plan to draw contours in several masters concurrently or copy-paste between layers. Choose Duplicate master, no glyph layers to duplicate the current font master entry and kerning classes but without creating any glyph layers or kerning pairs.

Change the name of the new master on the Names page. The new layer will appear in the panel only in glyphs where you created it. Choose Empty master to create an empty font master with no glyph layers, no kerning classes and no kerning pairs. The Copy from entries list all currently open fonts and in submenus their masters. Choose one to copy glyph layer contents, kerning classes and kerning pairs from another font and master into a new master in the current font.

When you copy a master from another font and the Add missing glyphs when copying from font checkbox in the dropdown is off, FontLab will only copy glyph layers and kerning for glyphs that exist in both fonts.

Note: This will create additional glyphs in the current font, but will not create additional glyph layers in the masters of the current font for glyphs that are not present in the source font. The parameters section of the Font Info panel not the Font Info dialog now has three buttons to control what is shown: font metrics, font guides and parameters. Note: of the three, only parameters are editable directly in the panel. The Show spacing controls and Show kerning buttons in the Glyph window property bar have new, clearer icons.

When you Undo a node movement, and the node has a link, the apparent position of the link is correctly updated on screen. When Round when Editing is on and the element is scaled vertically or horizontally, moving a selected node with arrow keys works correctly now.

Moving a segment with Cmd -arrows. Free Transform scale with Alt Shift keeps proportions correct even when center handle has been moved.

When doing direct segment editing, pressing and releasing Alt i. When Preview Rounding and the crosshair are both on, and you move a point, the crosshair snaps to integer coordinates along with the point. When you create a handle by dragging it from a node with Alt , and then Undo, it does not change links.

Shift Ctrl Alt -click on a TrueType segment consisting of two or more consecutive TT off-curve points now correctly inserts the implied TT node instead of producing odd results. Applying a flag color to a class in the Classes panel no longer gives an unnecessary warning about removing the kern feature. Extend Class Kerning works not only for glyph to glyph pairs but also for class to glyph pairs.

When edit a glyph that has bound sidebearings, the Preview panel correctly updates glyph metrics. Clicking in the non-editable metrics readout fields in the Metrics mode property bar no longer inserts a text cursor that cannot be removed. When you double-click on a cell in the Font Map to open it in a Glyph window, FontLab moves the app focus to the Glyph window. So for example, if you then select all, it affects the Glyph window instead of the Font Map.

Switching fonts in the Fonts panel, and cells in the Font Map panel, updates the contents of the Glyph window correctly. When changing the font UPM and scaling glyphs was on, components in composite glyphs no longer are scaled twice.

Moving a component position in one glyph which has no effect on any other composite glyphs no longer marks all glyphs sharing the same component as changed.

In a glyph with a group of elements and also a separate one, selecting the group no longer also shows the separate element as selected.

In the Elements panel, buttons for flipping elements and components now work as expected, adding — to the corresponding edit box. A composite glyph built from a recipe using auto layers, now only gets anchors from its base glyph not from diacritics. If the composite has a diacritic above or below the base glyph, the anchor position is adjusted to allow stacked diacritics. When you turn on Auto Layer in a Glyph window, odd rotated hints or guides no longer appear on screen.

Fixed a problem with automatic building of the glyphs LJ and NJ. Their built-in recipes are now fixed in alias. FontLab no longer occasionally loses glyph contours in a saved file if the glyph also contained elements without any content.

If FontLab cannot complete saving a file because the save folder is not writeable, an error message will now appear. In VFJ, the name attribute of a master is now stored inside the fontMaster element. OpenType variable font export no longer fails when some masters are outside the design space axis range and are not included for interpolation. When exporting. Exporting some OpenType Variation fonts no longer fails if they contain an axis with the code st.

If handles of a sticker are visible in the Glyph window, they move together with the rest of the window contents when you scroll. In the Preview panel, handling of right-to-left text rendering triggered by turning on the Features button produces better results than previously.

The mark and mkmk features are on by default. One-to-many glyph substitutions are rendered correctly now, including in the Glyph window and the Preview panel. When a diacritic is added to an uppercase base glyph, anchors are not in use, and the diacritic has a glyph name with an extension such as. The Font window MS Windows Western encoding filter no longer shows one glyph such as exclaim or dollar moved to the end of the encoding.

In the Glyph panel, the numeric field for glyph color flag values accepts numbers from 1 to instead of only up to , and works correctly now. Previously there were some color shifts related to the different value system involved. The scrollbars for top and bottom parts of the Generate Glyphs dialog have the same size and position now. In Python macro scripting, FontLab no longer crashes if you use the old fl. Ctrl -click now acts like Cmd -click on macOS, instead of opening context menus like a right-click.

Clicking on the glyph canvas, outside the Similar Glyphs pane, closes the pane as expected Windows-only bug. Previously they were mostly clipped. Please check the web version of the Release Notes for details. In FontLab 6. You definitely cannot open a VFJ file saved from 6. Version 6. When you open a Glyph window, some aspects or properties of your glyph are shown visualized , and some are not shown, for example Nodes, Handles, Guides, Ruler etc.

Here, you can also change customize the View details. When you change the View details in any Glyph window, FontLab remembers the them as current View details for the current Glyph window, and as the default View details for any new Glyph window that you create from within a Font window.

When you change the current View details, FontLab will not change the View details of other Glyph windows that are already open. When you open a Glyph window from within an existing Glyph window, the new window will have the same View details as the current View details.

The Metrics mode when you activate the Metrics tool , the Kerning mode when you activate the Kerning tool and the Text mode when you activate the Text tool have View details that are separate from the common View details used in other modes. So when you change the View details in a Metrics window a Glyph window that is in the Metrics mode , you change the default View details for the Metrics mode only, not the common View details. The common View details, and the View details for the Metrics, Kerning and Text modes, now have two sets of details: basic and alternative.

Normally, each window opens in basic view , that is, it uses using a basic set of View details, which you can change in the way described above. The starting point for the basic view is to show more information, while the starting point for the alternative view is more minimalist. But you can customize each as you prefer. When you switch tools in a Glyph window, FontLab remembers whether you were in the basic or alternative view per mode and stores both the basic set of View details and the alternative set of View details separately for the common mode, the Metrics mode, the Kerning mode and the Text mode.

You can change these details and those will be remembered as the default alternative View details for the Metrics mode. But remember: the default details will be used if you open a new Glyph window from a Font window. When you open a Glyph window from an existing window, the current details will be used. But you can always turn the details on or off in each view and mode. FontLab renders light placeholder glyphs in the background in the Glyph window for your reference.

These are character placeholders or missing glyph placeholders. Character placeholders are rendered in light gray, and are shown when a glyph exists but is blank, lacking any content. Character placeholders are now on by default, but they will now hide automatically if you draw anything in the glyph.

Missing glyph placeholders are rendered in pale blue, and are used if the text of a Glyph window contains some characters or glyph names but the corresponding glyphs do not exist in the font. The missing glyph placeholders will be shown. Previously, creating glyphs was only possible in the Font window.


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