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Can you join two zoom meetings at same time
How to Join Multiple Zoom Meetings Simultaneously. Purpose: Users can enable the Zoom feature ”join different meetings simultaneously on desktop”, allowing them to participate in multiple meetings at the same time. The first meeting may be joined from the Zoom desktop application as usual, then the following meetings must be joined from a zoom link or through . Jul 21, · You can join multiple Zoom meetings simultaneously so long as you are not hosting more than one. Use this option carefully, making sure to pay attention to when you are muted and unmuted in each meeting. To join multiple Zoom meetings simultaneously: Turn on Join different meetings simultaneously on desktop in your Zoom settings. Aug 19, · Licensed users on Enterprise, Business, and Education accounts can host up to 2 meetings at the same time. Both meetings need to be started by the original meeting host or by an alternative host. The host can leave the meeting and pass host privileges to another user if needed. Notes: While these users can have 2 meetings active concurrently, by default they .